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Sustainable tourism - THE NOMINEES

Ascolta il bramito del cervo

Company: Parco Naturale Paneveggio Pale di San Martino

Ascolta il bramito del cervo (Listen to the bellowing of the deer) is the title of an exciting adventure proposed for the coming autumn by the Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino Natural Park in its nature reserve. This proposal makes it possible to hear the roaring of the male deer during the mating season, an unmistakable “roar” that echoes in the silence of the forests in early autumn. A forest excursion in small groups gives participants the opportunity to get to know more about this magnificent animal and experience the extraordinary emotion evoked by the roar of the male deer in the dark silence of the forest. The day begins with a brief interactive conference that introduces participants to the most important characteristics of the deer, followed by an excursion to the protected area in the late afternoon. During this hike, you learn to track the signs of the presence of the king of the forest and get to know the behaviour patterns associated with the rutting calls. After dinner, the main results of the deer studies in the nature park are illustrated, before starting out on the much-awaited night hike.

