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Sustainable tourism - THE NOMINEES

UDUM – Uno Di Un Milione

Company: APT Val di Sole, Comune di Pejo, Pejo Funivie, Comunità della Val di Sole, Collettivo OP

A symphonic poem, a work of art, a manifesto: music and shared genius to protect the water. Uno Di Un Milione - UDUM - is the moving artistic journey of a relational work that aims to involve the audience in respecting and safeguarding the environment. The project will be implemented in various phases. The first will be the organization of writing workshops with the music school Scuola Musicale Celestino Eccher and the project Giovani Val di Sole Appm, which gave rise to the song "Uno Di Un Milione". The song will then be orchestrated by Maestro Silvio Morais and performed by the Orchestra e Coro di Voci Bianche (Orchestra and Children's Voice Choir) of the La Scala Theatre Academy. At the same time, a soundscape will be installed on the paths along the springs and watercourses of the Val di Sole. The public will encounter the works thanks to a flask that, with a QR code and a dedicated app, guides them on this tour of discovery. The final touch will be the installation of a monumental sound sculpture in the Pejo3000, a dreamlike auditorium where the symphonic piece performed by the Academy of the Teatro alla Scala can be heard in its entirety.

